Academic Programs

Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Students sitting on the floor in class

We offer the following classroom options in ECE:

Our licensed teachers and certified paraprofessionals provide quality preschool, by using Creative Curriculum instruction, helping your child get a strong start on the path to lifelong learning.

Cost: Preschool is a tuition-based program. Tuition is determined on a sliding fee scale by the family household size and gross income, and ranges from free to out-of-district cost. Contact the Early Education Department for more information.

Our program offers:

We offer Dual Language classrooms in our Early Childhood Education (ECE) program. We are the Far Northeast’s only Dual Language program! There are many benefits to being in a dual language program. Students in dual language programs do as well as or better academically than their peers in English-only settings and have the added benefit of learning a second language. Learn more about this awesome opportunity.

Elementary: Kindergarten to 5th Grade

Students in class

We offer both English and Spanish language classrooms in all of our elementary grades.

Our curriculum in elementary includes:

Junior Academy: 6th to 8th Grades

Two students in class

Arts Programs

Students playing drums in class
Two students posing while playing instruments
Kids in Art Class
Group of students posing in the halls
Student posing in the library
Students in class